
Materials that are not published on the site

Hello, how can I change the mail registered to my account


Info point window size

When you click on an information point, you can show a dialog box (four sizes are available), open a link, or show information in full screen.

Floor plan or apartment

Described how to add a floor plan to an existing tour.

How to set up spherical panorama autorotation?

For each panorama in a virtual tour or for an individual panorama, you can configure autorotation parameters such as rotation speed, acceleration, horizon height and angle of view, and the waiting time before starting autorotation.

Soundtrack virtual tour / panorama

One of the possibilities of the TrueVirtualTours service is the ability to add sound accompaniment both for the virtual tour in general and for individual panoramas.

Video tutorial: Creating a virtual tour

Link to an example of creating a virtual tour using the True Virtual Tours functionality

Publish articles on virtual tours and spherical panoramas

We encourage everyone who has something to share in the field of 360-degree spherical panoramas and virtual tours to publish articles that could be useful to other community members.

Search for a photographer of virtual tours on a map

How to find a 3D tour photographer on a world map? How to place information about my services as a photographer and a panoramic photography professional on our map?

How to save coins and your time

This article describes how to replace existing spherical images already uploaded to True Virtual Tours. Finally, there is a short list of recommendations to check after the upgrade.

The cost of hosting panoramas and virtual tours

A list of links to information on the cost of placing panoramas and virtual tours.

Rating and Reputation

Reputation and rating as well as the number of stars and coins in your profile determines what actions you can do on the site. For example, upload and post 360 ° panoramas, publish articles, answer questions while earning coins, and much more.

How to make a panorama in 3dsMax + Corona Render

The article describes step by step how to make not standard renders (photo format), but a panorama in 3dsMax + Corona Render 3d visualization modeling programs.

Showing 12-21 of 21 items.