12/18 2024

Rating and Reputation

Reputation and rating as well as the number of stars and coins in your profile determines what actions you can do on the site. For example, upload and post 360 ° panoramas, publish articles, answer questions while earning coins, and much more.

Roman Grinev


348  10

The user's reputation and rating are determined by three characteristics named: cameras, gems, stars.


Photographers receive "cameras" by publishing spherical panoramas. The higher the quality of the panorama, the more points the photographer receives for the panorama.


Photographers get "gems" when they actively use the site. There are more opportunities open for more experienced users.


Photographers receive "stars" when other users of the site evaluate their work, adding them to favorites. Also, stars are awarded when the user's work gain more views.


Coins are a means of payment for using the functionality of the site. You can buy coins here.

A complete list of functions and actions on the site that affect the receipt and consumption of reputation points and coins.

Earn coins

registration on the website 1.00
For views of your published article
100 views 5.00
1k views 5.00
10k views 5.00
100k views 5.00
1m views 5.00

Website functionality prices in coins


Publishing a panorama to the public section 1
Saving panoramas to available on the link
Saving a panorama in drafts
Creation of a virtual tour in the public section 1
Creating a virtual tour available at the link 1
Create a virtual tour in drafts


For visiting the site every day 1
Viewing 10 panoramas in one day 1
Viewing 100 panoramas in one day 1
For adding 5 panoramas to favorites 1
For adding 10 panoramas to favorites 1
For adding 25 panoramas to favorites 1
For adding one equipment tag to a panorama, tour, or user 1
For adding one location tag to a panorama, tour, or user 1
For adding one service tag to a panorama, tour, or user 1


For a good panorama or virtual tour (at least 5 stars) 1
For a good article (at least 5 stars) 1
For views of your published article
100 views 3
1k views 2
10k views 1
100k views 1
1m views 1
For views of your published panorama (depends on the size)

  • today
    John Smith
  • 03/20 2021

    I think it would be great for the "best" badge and for the reputation to receive some coins :)

    Translated from Russian
  • 07/06 2020
    Roman Grinev

    Good day. As a rule, points for downloaded panoramas are awarded a few minutes after loading panoramas. As a rule, after loading 2 panoramas, it becomes possible to create virtual tours. You have good quality panoramas. Additional points can be awarded after checking the panorama of the quality of work by the administrator or the author of the work. You can take a survey on the quality of work ("Check Quality" button) on the panorama page.

    Translated from Russian
  • 07/06 2020

    I published several panoramas, I didn’t get a single camera, but I really wanted to create a 3d tour, it turns out I have very poor quality panoramas ???????

    Translated from Russian
  • 02/20 2020
    Roman Grinev

    Updated rating information on the site in accordance with its current settings. It should be more clear.

    Translated from Russian
  • 02/03 2020


    Translated from Russian
  • 02/03 2020
    Roman Grinev


    Translated from Russian
  • 02/03 2020

    I need stars! Subscribe to me soon!))

    Translated from Russian