
Panorama type

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How to animate a panoramic photo

Some users to whom I sent links to view panoramic photos could not at first figure out how to properly rotate the panorama around me, or at first did not realize that the wheel could zoom in or out the scene.  For such cases, the True Virtual Tours website has a Video Editor feature. In case of its application, before the user who opened the panorama by the link, the script of the "flyby" invented by you immediately starts. That is, the camera rotates or focuses as you yourself previously configured. Thus, you helped our customer to quickly examine the space around "himself" in a panoramic picture and at the same time encouraged him to think that he could perform the same actions with the help of the mouse buttons or the wheel.

How to create a virtual 3D tour? Step-by-step instruction

The order is as follows: 1) upload to the site spherical panoramas from which you plan to create a virtual tour; 2) from the list of uploaded panoramas add each panorama to the virtual tour (Add to 3D tour link); 3) open the created virtual tour, edit the panorama order, select the main panorama, set transition points (tunnels).

Search for a photographer of virtual tours on a map

How to find a 3D tour photographer on a world map? How to place information about my services as a photographer and a panoramic photography professional on our map?

Publish articles on virtual tours and spherical panoramas

We encourage everyone who has something to share in the field of 360-degree spherical panoramas and virtual tours to publish articles that could be useful to other community members.

Rating and Reputation

Reputation and rating as well as the number of stars and coins in your profile determines what actions you can do on the site. For example, upload and post 360 ° panoramas, publish articles, answer questions while earning coins, and much more.

The cost of hosting panoramas and virtual tours

A list of links to information on the cost of placing panoramas and virtual tours.

Hotspots or tunnels between panoramas in the 360-degree tour

Try new hotspots or tunnels between panoramas in a virtual 3D tour.

Create video presentations from your 360° spherical panoramas

You can easily create presentation videos from your spherical panoramas uploaded to the TrueVirtualTours website. See some examples of how they can look and how to create them.

Create simple virtual 3D tours based on tags

Creating virtual tours is now easier than ever. Just add tags to your panoramas and you can immediately watch virtual tours by combining tags and immediately getting a ready virtual tour. Share virtual tours composed of any set of panoramas, both yours and other users.

How to increase the balance of coins on TrueVirtualTours

There are several ways to increase the balance of coins in your account. Answer questions about the quality of 360° panoramas. Post links to your virtual tours or post articles.

How to make a panorama in 3dsMax + Corona Render

The article describes step by step how to make not standard renders (photo format), but a panorama in 3dsMax + Corona Render 3d visualization modeling programs.

Showing 12-21 of 21 items.