07/25 2024

Quality assessment of 360° panoramas

There are so many different ways to create and stitch spherical panoramas. Some equipment or software does not allow to achieve high quality 360 panoramas. We want only the highest quality work available for general viewing.

Roman Grinev

360° panorama's quality


Quality assessment of 360 ° panoramas

There are so many different ways to create and stitch spherical panoramas. Some equipment or software does not allow to achieve high quality 360 panoramas. We want only the highest quality work available for general viewing.

Each panorama that site users send to publish to publicly accessible sections of the site is manually moderated by community members. Below are the quality criteria for which the panoramas are checked.

Quality criteria for 360° panoramas that checked manually

Quality criteria for 360° panoramas that checked automatically

  • Panorama title length
  • No dot at the end of the title
  • First capital letter
  • Using uppercase in title
  • Description of the panorama
  • Panorama Description Length
  • Aspect ratio 2:1
  • Panorama resolution
  • The starting position of the panorama is set
  • Established location
  • Tagged
  • Installed equipment tags
  • Installed location tags
  • Installed seasons tags

All these criteria affect the quality indicator of the panorama. These criteria take effect on which panorama will be published in the open section of the site or will be available only by reference. Therefore, please read and consider these criteria when creating your 360-degree spherical panoramas.

  • today
    John Smith