VR tours 360 from B2Brec.ru

by B2Brec.ru


Professional panoramic photography. From loading on maps for clients, to an interactive presentation for your investors.

VR 3D TOURS 360 is an immersive presentation designed to showcase your interior in the most visual and impressive way possible. The format of such an online tour has the ability to move around locations, thanks to which any Internet user will be able to see absolutely everything, in any direction from floor to ceiling.


Our tours are unique because we collect them on a special platform that has the possibility of auxiliary functions that create an interactive presentation. . A virtual tour keeps a customer on the site up to five times longer - this increases the position of the site in search results and increases the likelihood of making a purchase. This is confirmed by case studies conducted by TIG Global and Omni Hotels (https://seekbeak.com/are-virtual-tours-effective-a-round-up-of-360-photo-industry-research/), as well as social studies (https://www.socialbakers.com/blog/2657-360-degree-content-what-it-meant-for-marketers-in-2016) that showed that having a virtual tour on a website increases your conversion from 16 to 67%.


ADDITIONAL PANORAMA This is a spherical photo. From which the VR tour is going. Panoramas can be updated regularly as your property changes, such as when renovations or decorations are updated.

AIRPANORAMA This is a spherical photograph taken from a quadcopter. Such a panorama makes it possible to view the entire object from any height.

OPTIONAL TOUR If you have a large number of locations, we recommend collecting them in different tours for a more targeted viewing. For example, in one tour you can display a room, and in another a restaurant.

ARTISTIC COLOR CORRECTION When photographing, the contrast may be too high and the image may lose uniformity. As a result, the photo may lose its brightness and saturation. Color correction also helps to get rid of such defects.

INFORMATION BLOCKS They make it possible to display important information on the panorama, such as text, links, phone number, photos or videos. With the help of information points, you can visually show the type and class of industries, describe the equipment used and describe the achievement of the quality of the organization of work. Info Blocks complete a realistic picture of your company and successfully add a tour guide to your tour.

DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE TOUR Each tour has a space for description. Thanks to him, before watching the tour, the viewer can find out things that you need to pay attention to during your tour. It is also recommended to supplement this description with all the necessary advertising information about your company.

COPYWRITER It will help to write a description for the tour or a script for the voice acting of the announcer. This in turn will help speed up the process of creating the perfect tour. Our copywriters know how to handle text and can easily select creative offers and speech patterns for you. Direct proof of this is that you have read up to this line!

SOUND ACCOMPANIMENT With musical accompaniment, viewing the tour becomes much more interesting. Our experts will select the appropriate soundtrack and set the "mood" for the tour

VOICE ANNOUNCER This is a professional dubbing actor with a trained voice, who can talk about the features of your establishment, for example, about the services you provide. With voice acting, watching the tour becomes more fun.

FAST ASSEMBLY TOUR The assembly of each tour has its own delivery time, however, if you need to get the material faster, we can always attract additional employees to your order.

PANORAMA RETOUCH Image correction helps to hide unnecessary elements in the photo or vice versa to supplement something. For example, we can paint over fallen plaster or hang an advertising banner on the fence.

ACTORS AND MODELS The picture will be completed by professionals with experience in both posing and acting. Actors add liveliness to the tour.

PLACING PANORAMAS ON THE YANDEX MAP It will allow you to view the tour or panoramas in the Yandex Maps application, in your company card. A great way to increase reach from views.


PRESENCE EFFECT Since when viewing a virtual tour, you can look in all directions, the viewer gets the impression that he himself is in this room.

COMPETITIVENESS You and your competitors may have similar topics, technologies and similar sites, in this case a VR tour creates a wow effect.

INCREASING CONFIDENCE The viewer independently controls the look - this inspires confidence, since the property can be viewed in its entirety without any restrictions, and the user understands that nothing is hidden from him.


The creation of a 3D tour is required to effectively showcase your property. The tour will help you attract clients, partners and investors. A 3D tour gives a realistic view of your company and successfully replaces a live tour.


SEND BY PRIVATE MESSAGE The tour can be demonstrated by sending a direct link, as well as in a personal meeting from a mobile device or tablet at business meetings and thematic presentations.

WEBSITE Due to the unusual form of presenting information, your site visitors and potential customers will pay more attention to you and spend much more time on the site - this has a good effect on site promotion.

Yandex Maps and Google Maps We are trusted representatives of the Yandex Maps and Google Maps services, so we can easily place your panoramic images inside your company card. This, in turn, will add the conversion of hits from a resource such as maps.

SOCIAL NETWORK By posting the tour on social media networks you will attract a new audience. Due to the unusual form of presenting information and the effect of presence, the user distinguishes and remembers you among competitors.

Publish date: 04/18 2022
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360° panoramas of this virtual tour, page 1

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