Street Kuratova. Near Kuratova, 42.

by Сделано в Инте

Virtual tour: Inta.

Publish date: 10/02 2017
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Panorama resolution: 24543px * 5532px (135.8 MP)
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Rossia, Respublika Komi, gorodskoj okrug Inta, gorod Inta, plosad' Lenina

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  • today
    John Smith
  • 02/11 2019

     Tell me please, and how often do images change? I do not carp, there is no way, EVERYTHING IS SUPER !!!! just interested to know. I really miss my hometown and watch everything connected with it. And shooting only the city, the village is not ??

    Translated from Russian
  • 02/11 2019

    Thank! Everything is fine, my favorite Inta!

    Translated from Russian

How to make a panorama in 3dsMax + Corona Render

The article describes step by step how to make not standard renders (photo format), but a panorama in 3dsMax + Corona Render 3d visualization modeling programs.

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