360° panoramas of this virtual tour, page 2

IMG 20240620 113830 00 014

st. Maxima Gorkogo, 42, Tyumen, Tyumen region, Russia, 625048

IMG 20240620 120306 00 027

st. 50 Let Oktyabrya, 14, Tyumen, Tyumen region, Russia, 625048

IMG 20240620 120458 00 028

st. 50 Let Oktyabrya, 14, Tyumen, Tyumen region, Russia, 625048

IMG 20240620 111415 00 005

Melnikaite, 129B, Tyumen, Tyumen region, Russia, 625007

IMG 20240701 114409 0 032

st. Profsoyuznaya, 30/1A, Tyumen, Tyumen region, Russia, 625002

IMG 20240701 114502 00 033

st. Profsoyuznaya, 30/1A, Tyumen, Tyumen region, Russia, 625002

IMG 20240701 114544 00 034

st. Profsoyuznaya, 30/1A, Tyumen, Tyumen region, Russia, 625002

Showing 25-31 of 31 items.
  • today
    John Smith

How to create a virtual 3D tour? Step-by-step instruction

The order is as follows: 1) upload to the site spherical panoramas from which you plan to create a virtual tour; 2) from the list of uploaded panoramas add each panorama to the virtual tour (Add to 3D tour link); 3) open the created virtual tour, edit the panorama order, select the main panorama, set transition points (tunnels).

Learn more