Kosmunaraly ortalyk meshit

by Mirastiki
Publish date: 01/24 2023
Views count
Number of panoramas
{{local.favoritesCount}} people liked this tour

360° panoramas of this virtual tour, page 1

IMG 20230113 144031 00 036
IMG 20230113 144126 00 037
IMG 20230113 144249 00 038
IMG 20230113 144503 00 039
IMG 20230113 144548 00 040
IMG 20230113 144644 00 041
IMG 20230113 144812 00 042
IMG 20230113 144858 00 043
IMG 20230113 144942 00 044
IMG 20230113 145049 00 045
IMG 20230113 145229 00 046
IMG 20230113 145329 00 047
IMG 20230113 145411 00 048
IMG 20230113 145712 00 050
IMG 20230113 145812 00 051
IMG 20230113 150131 00 056
IMG 20230113 150204 00 057
IMG 20230113 150228 00 058
IMG 20230113 150308 00 059
IMG 20230113 145943 00 053
IMG 20230113 150021 00 054
IMG 20230113 150049 00 055
IMG 20230113 145859 00 052
IMG 20230113 150429 00 061
Showing 1-24 of 25 items.
  • today
    John Smith

How to create a virtual 3D tour? Step-by-step instruction

The order is as follows: 1) upload to the site spherical panoramas from which you plan to create a virtual tour; 2) from the list of uploaded panoramas add each panorama to the virtual tour (Add to 3D tour link); 3) open the created virtual tour, edit the panorama order, select the main panorama, set transition points (tunnels).

Learn more