Медиа Город Групп

A consortium of professionals in media, design, architecture, sociology, and territorial development planning

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Медиа Город Групп - specialization

x739 Further

Website creation
x72 Website creation

Creating a website using the TrueVirtualTours API on your own domain on very favorable terms.

Virtual 3D Tours
x948 Virtual 3D Tours

Virtual tour - a way of realistic display of three-dimensional multi-element space on the screen. Elements of a virtual tour, as a rule, are spherical panoramas, interconnected by interactive transition links (hotspots).

Landscape photography
x341 Landscape photography

Landscape photography is an incredibly fun type of photography that requires the photographer to know the basics of photography and painting. Landscape photography has always been and remains a popular and interesting genre. Photos of architecture...

360° Video
x274 360° Video

360-degree videos, or spherical videos, are video recordings where a view in every direction is recorded at the same time, shot using an omnidirectional camera or a collection of cameras. During playback on normal flat display, the viewer has contro...