Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" - VisitAlmaty

by VisitAlmaty

Alma-Arasan is a natural location where the hot springs of the same name lurk, located at an altitude of 1827 meters above sea level. The place of power for many citizens is located in the south-west of Almaty, 16 km from the city, on the northern slope of the Zailiysky Alatau.

Hot springs are thermal waters that come out of the ground under the influence of active mountain building and volcanic activity. Underground water contains many vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the fight against a number of skin and heart diseases.

3WM4+27 Almaty, Kazahstan
Publish date: 01/30 2022
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Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -1
Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -2
Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -3

Alma-Arasan, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -4
Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -5

3WM4+VC Almaty, Kazakhstan

Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -6

3WM4+M8 Almaty, Kazakhstan

Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -7

3WM4+98 Almaty, Kazakhstan

Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -8

3WM4+78 Almaty, Kazakhstan

Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -9

3WM4+7C Almaty, Kazakhstan

Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -10

3WM4+79 Almaty, Kazakhstan

Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -11

3WM4+5F Almaty, Kazakhstan

Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -12

3WM4+4Q Almaty, Kazakhstan

Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -13

3WM4+4P Almaty, Kazakhstan

Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -14

Waterfall Maiden's tears, Karasai district, Waterfall Maiden's, Kazakhstan

Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -16

Waterfall Maiden's tears, Karasai district, Waterfall Maiden's, Kazakhstan

Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -15

Waterfall Maiden's tears, Karasai district, Waterfall Maiden's, Kazakhstan

Hot springs "Alma-Arasan" -17

Waterfall Maiden's tears, Karasai district, Waterfall Maiden's, Kazakhstan

Showing 1-17 of 17 items.
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    John Smith

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The order is as follows: 1) upload to the site spherical panoramas from which you plan to create a virtual tour; 2) from the list of uploaded panoramas add each panorama to the virtual tour (Add to 3D tour link); 3) open the created virtual tour, edit the panorama order, select the main panorama, set transition points (tunnels).

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