Castle Valley

by Dmitriy

A beautiful place due to its external similarities with castles, was called the Valley of castles.

Mangistauskij rajon, Kazahstan
Publish date: 01/08 2020
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360° panoramas of this virtual tour, page 1

DJI 0047

Mangistau district, Kazakhstan


Mangistau district, Kazakhstan

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
  • today
    John Smith
  • 01/10 2020
    Roman Grinev

    Отличные панорамы и виртуальный тур, спасибо!

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How to make a panorama in 3dsMax + Corona Render

The article describes step by step how to make not standard renders (photo format), but a panorama in 3dsMax + Corona Render 3d visualization modeling programs.

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