Second floor

by Andrey Nikolaev

Virtual tour: Abandoned camp "Ulyanka" in the Furmanovsky district. In Soviet times, in Furmanov, there were two large pioneer camps built by textile workers. “Birch” factory them. The 50th anniversary of the USSR (now number 3) has long been closed, all that is left of it is piles of bricks. And “Ulyanka” of factory number 2. The past fifteen years has been slowly turning into ruins. Once, in one shift, up to 320 children rested in it. In 2002, the camp was transferred to state funding and closed. At first the guardians guarded the territory, but later they were reduced.

"Pioneer camp" Ulyanka "was founded in 1951. It was located on the place of the former summer residence of manufacturers Alexey Efimovich and Nadezhda Georgievna Klementievs. Belonged to the factory №.2. A lot of attention paid the organization of summer holidays for children in different years factory director Ezhov Valery Aleksandrovich, Klochkov Alexey Stepanovich, Krylov Vadim Vasilyevich, Director of Household Smirnova Anna Dmitrievna, Rakutina Tatyana Alexandrovna, Bushina Elvira Sergeevna, Smirnova Anna Dmitrievna. Great work on the organization of its activities carried out Chairman of the trade union committee of the factory Kulikova Rufima Alexandrovna, which recalls, “that the preparation for the opening of each camp season It began in April, was carried out by the building department factory number 2, that the rest of the children of factory workers was held in three shifts both in the camp "Ulyanka" and on the basis of a dispensary factory; annually in the summer 900 children rested in the camp, the work was organized in three shifts "

The cost of the camp voucher was a maximum of 70 rubles in the years 70-80 60 kopecks. Pioneer squad in the pioneer camp "Ulyanka" bore the name of Zoe Kosmodemyanskoy. Daily (morning and evening) guys of all squads collected on the line, where sounded slogan: Listen to our homeland, listen to the people, Team Kosmodemyanskaya report surrenders " The text and some photos are taken from the research work of Ushakova O.A. and Skraga E.S.

Unnamed Road, Ivanovo Oblast, Russia, 155562
Publish date: 04/12 2017
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Abandoned camp "Ulyanka" in Furmanovsky district

Rossia, Ivanovskaa oblast', Privolzskij rajon

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  • today
    John Smith
  • 04/01 2022
    Andrey Nikolaev

    I use the Kolor Autopano Giga program. If it turned out badly in automatic mode, then I use the "SuperCubic" Photoshop plugin.
    In addition, I take an additional shot of nadir with my hands without a tripod to use it in the "SuperCubic" plugin.
    Thank you so much for your feedback!

    Translated from Russian
  • 04/01 2022

    I have a similar set up with a D3100 and Sigma 8mm lens. I'm struggling to capture the nadir (ground) and zenith (sky) in the photos I take. Both the nadir and sky are missing as if the camera/lens can't capture it all. This is a great picture. How were you able to capture the nadir and zenith so well? any issues?

    Translated from Russian

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