Tractor Belarus ЮМЗ-6М 1977г

Virtual tour: Village Kelbuy, Sheksninsky district. Filmed on GoPro 3+ black edition

Unnamed Road, Vologda Region., Russia, 162580
Publish date: 09/21 2015
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Panorama resolution: 11000px * 5500px (60.5 MP)

Featured in virtual tours

Kelbuy village, Sheksna district

Rossia, Vologodskaa oblast', Seksninskij rajon, derevna Kelbuj

This panorama has been added to any Virtual Tours
  • today
    John Smith
  • Thanks for the feedback.

    Translated from Russian
  • I have 2 versions uploaded. The second one is better cleaned out, and this one has seams

    Translated from Russian
  • Yes, the panoramic head is a chain of mounts for gopro. The most difficult thing is to remove zenith and nadir without parallax in such a small room

    Translated from Russian
  • 03/12 2019
    Roman Grinev

    Great job! Looking through it, I did not find a single seam! This is amazing, considering what kind of panoramic head you used to shoot it !! (it is reflected in the rear mirror of the tractor)))

    Translated from Russian

How to make a panorama in 3dsMax + Corona Render

The article describes step by step how to make not standard renders (photo format), but a panorama in 3dsMax + Corona Render 3d visualization modeling programs.

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