The bow. View of the Karachur reservoir

by Игорь Квочка

Virtual tour: Central urban area of Krivoy Rog. Misto Kriviy Rig Beg svoї revoka saz from the Central-Minsky district. There is a great promise center here.

Peretvorennya mistika Kriviy Rіg in misto has become the head of the cob vidobutku, potіm - pererobki zalіzorudno ї sirovini. Promyslovyy vidobutok zalіzno ї rudi on Krivorіzhzhі rozpochavatsya at the results of the pensions of the great-great-grandson of the punishable Getman of Ukraine Pavel Polubotka - Oleksandra Paul. Zavdyaki youmu z’yavilis mines, was laid Katerinska zalіznitsya, incentives on the territory of the district first chavunolivarny plant.

Publish date: 04/24 2017
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Central-city district of Krivoy Rog

Ukraina, Dnepropetrovskaa oblast', Krivoj Rog, Raketnaa ulica

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The article describes step by step how to make not standard renders (photo format), but a panorama in 3dsMax + Corona Render 3d visualization modeling programs.

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