IMG 20230127 113042 00 038

by Igor Teterin

The town hall pharmacy can be compared to a modern cafe where you can go to drink tea or a glass of claret, listen or spread the news. According to rumors, the Town Hall Pharmacy also served as a meeting place for city elders and other important persons who, over a glass of claret, held council and concluded agreements. It is believed that it was here that important issues of city government were resolved.

Publish date: 01/27 2023
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Panorama resolution: 11968px * 5984px (71.6 MP)

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Town Hall Pharmacy in Tallinn
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The order is as follows: 1) upload to the site spherical panoramas from which you plan to create a virtual tour; 2) from the list of uploaded panoramas add each panorama to the virtual tour (Add to 3D tour link); 3) open the created virtual tour, edit the panorama order, select the main panorama, set transition points (tunnels).

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