12/20 2024
New functionality of virtual tours and spherical panoramas has been added to the site: text information points, polygons, video upload to an information point, and much more.
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The new functionality is available on the website. These are text information points, polygons, the ability to upload a video an information point, and much more.
New features:
- Polygons.
- Text information points.
- Ability to upload a video to infromation point.
- Open Street Maps as a panroama in a virtual tour.
- Flat image with all panorama functionality.
- Info points as button at the header or right side fo the panorama in virtual tour.
You can highlight any area in the panorama, set the background color and border color, and set any action available for info points that will be performed when a user click on the polygon such as an open a window, show a video, or open a link.
You can upload your video to an info point. This video does not display ads as if you would use a YouTube video.
This means that on such a map you can place info points, polygons, and texts info points with links and other available virtual tour features. You can also set up tweens for individual panoramas, for example, from one place on the map to another.
If you need to add a floor plan, one option is to upload a flat image using the Floor Plan / Image function. Such an image will be loaded as a regular panorama and will be available in the lower panel of the virtual tour. You can also add text, polygons, or other information points to it.