Кadriorg museum 07

by Igor Teterin

Kadriorg Art Museum in Tallinn: One of the most valuable masterpieces from the 16th century is the painting The Expulsion of Merchants from the Temple, which has been linked to the circle of Hieronymus Bosch and has even been the object of an international research project. Additionally, the display includes works of art by Jacob Jordaens, Leonhard Bramer, Maerten de Vos, Philips Wouverman, Bartholomeus van der Helst and others.

Дата публикации: 15.01.2023
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Разрешение панорамы: 6080px * 3040px (18.5 MP)
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В виртуальных турах

Kadriorg Art Museum in Tallinn (Estonia)
Эта панорама была добавлена в виртуальные туры.

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